Sunday 23 June 2024

Farewell Sweet Peas


After months of sowing them (end of November), nurturing and protecting them through the long miserable  Winter . My husband books the man to come and clear the septic tank .
What's that got to do with it ? 

The pot is sitting on top of the manhole cover .

I had thought I could just wheel it around to one side , but it weighed a ton !

           Even the two of us could not budge it !

               So I had to dig all the earth out . I was going to try and save the sweet-peas but someone came along and cut them down while I had just popped indoors for a minute . . . sigh ..he thought he was being helpful .  

I have been re-using the compost that was in it for several years and there was quite an extraordinary ants nest in there . The Robin immediately flew down to help himself !

                                                Done !

So the Septic tank cleaning man came and did a great job . Thankyou Pellows ! 
And I now have to think about filling the pot with nice fresh earth /compost .
 I have been growing these Black-Eyed Suzies on my bedroom windowsill .Mum loves them . It's a bit late in the season now I think , but we'll give them a try and hopefully they'll be blooming by early Autumn .

And then I'll be thinking about sowing my Sweet-Peas for next year ! 



  1. I struggle with sweet peas, I have some existing, not really growing, so I would have shed tears to lose a pot of them growing.

  2. What a shame about the sweet peas. We have ants' nests all over the allotment and last week I suffered my first bite of the season. It must have run up my trouser leg as I felt the nip. I'll have to start wearing socks over the bottoms of my trousers again,
