Monday 17 June 2024

🌿Mostly Alpines and not much work done ! 🦦🌿


I got my tools out ready to begin working on tidying this shameful area of the garden . ..but it is so hot I decided to leave it until after lunch .

procrastinating ....

I decided to play with my Alpine plants instead . I bought a bag of horticultural grit ,which was expensive , but really made a difference spread around the little plants .

I decided to leave the rose cutting in there , to give it a bit longer to establish some good roots . I'll probably take it out as we go into early Autumn and repot it .

           The sun came out and the Gentian opened her gorgeous blue flowers  🤍

 My Voodoo Lily is looking fabulous .My daughter  gave me another big clump of them which are now up by the Summerhouse , not flowering yet . 

💚I really love these and I have just ordered another one from a specialist nursery Toucan Tropicals . 

It will be quite similar to this one , only with wicked spots on it , called Sauromatum venosum. Very excited me !


                                       🙄Okay ! Okay ! 🙄



(editing controls not working properly on Blogspot grrr ! )

Rip off the weed-membrane and the surprisingly heavy as lead , dead Echium trunk .

Fork , rock , shove , lop and finally pull out this massive root of what was my beautiful Phormium "Red Robin" which had mysteriously died over last winter .

It was huge and took all my strength to pull it out .

Then I went in to lop out another huge Echium that had fallen over..and as I began ...

...this little chap came out and skipped lightly over my feet ! I grabbed the camera , but this time it was too close 🦦
I have decided to leave this job until maybe tomorrow as I don't want to disturb them . 
I think they might all be taking their nap in the bushes there .

I think that's all for today folks !
It's still sunshine and showers here on the Lizard ....mostly sunshine and very hot too when the sun comes out . There is also a very high pollen count and we are all sneezing .
I think the meadow will soon be cut . It's looking good ! 

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