Thursday 16 May 2024

🌿Butternuts planted out 🦋

 Up early ,  got the washing out on the line . Sat contemplating for a while .

I don't do "No Mow May" I have beautiful wilderness all around me . I plant flowers that the bees and butterflies love .

I love the sweet fragrance of the freshly mown grass . I love the clover , the daisies , buttercups ,plantain and selfheal . chickweed and violets , they all still come up and  flower .

When I do it with the lawn-mower , I rather like stripes too . Husband bombs around in circles on his ride on lawnmower and as you can see , he has cut it rather short on this occasion . 

We are not really obsessive about the lawn , the grandchildren and the big dog come and play on it . 

If we leave it to grow too long it will bugger up the lawnmower when we come to cut it .

I need to weed that gravel bed . It looks nice and give s a break to the eye as one looks around the garden .

It is sunshine and showers today . I hung out the washing and am keeping an eye out for spit spots of rain . 

I love wild flowers and I leave these little wild alliums  for the bees to enjoy under my washing line . 

      I sat in contemplation for a while longer , watching the bees .
I need to plant out my Butternut Squash  , the compost I used to grow them in is rubbish and the plants have used up the nutrients and the leaves are beginning to turn yellow . I have to get them in the ground fast .

I had wanted to wait until this  blustery weather with it's short but heavy rain showers had passed .
And then there is also this little problem ......

This is the keyhole bed  , where I grow my pumpkins and butternuts .
I did cover it with cardboard to try and suppress the weeds .

                               The Bindweed is laughing at me !

                             And the bed is riddled with the damned stuff !

And there were bindweed roots and ants under the paving slabs (which I had to swap out for some other ones as these good ones were needed somewhere else in the garden 🦋 )

To cut a long story short - 

                 ✨   Abracadabra ✨

I grew the courgette in the front in different compost , those at the back are butternuts , what a difference !   I just hope the butternuts will pull through now they can get their roots down into the good  earth .

I fixed up some pig-wire for the butternuts to scrabble over ....although they don't always want to ....sometimes they go crazy .

              And then I enjoyed a Zoom  !  

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