Friday 28 October 2022

Garlic sprouting !

 Just a quick update 'cos I'm not very well at the moment .I haven't been up to the greenhouse or the shed for a couple of no idea what's going on up there , but I did take a little walk up to the vegetable garden and was very pleased to see the garlic beginning to put up shoots . I planted these out on the 15th October .  I need it to get cold now to make them slow down and divide up .

The onion sets also have tiny shoots. I planted those sets out on the 1st October . When I'm feeling better I,ll take off the grids , now I know they've got their roots down and the birds not so likely to try and pluck them out . 

The weather has been warm , humid  and we've had some quite rainy and blustery nights ...which I am grateful for as I have resown part of the field with meadow species grass seed . This mild wet weather is perfect for germinating grass seed .

I am not feeling up to going for a walk , so my lovely husband drove us to Marazion to watch the wild waves from the comfort of the car . 

                     With a pile of sandwiches and a flask of coffee  .


  1. OPir onions and garlic are at about the same stahe/

    1. I get so excited about things like this ! đŸ€Ł
