Sunday 22 May 2022

6am Courgettes finally planted out


Good morning ! 

Hold my hand and I,ll take you for a little walk around the meadow .

There is a heavy dew on the grass this morning . Sparkling .

A beautiful sky .

Half Moon .

Looking across to Cury . Memories of looking after three horses , mucking out , the smell of hay , rosettes  and me sitting in the car doing patchwork while husband and youngest daughter were having fun jumping and galloping around on their horse and little pony and winning rosettes at the gymkhanas over there . They had so much fun .

Continuing our walk . Look at these beautiful spiders webs .

At the top of the meadow in the corner are three young Horse chestnut trees . I grew them from three conkers that my brother found in Charles Darwin's garden at Down House in Kent . 

So they are a bit special .

The lovely Selene / Pink Campion is growing up , taking over the Cowslips .There are still lots of Bluebells .

On the side bordering my vegetable garden is the lovely Roseraie de L'Hay .

I stop and breathe in her fragrance . She has a very strong and heady fragrance .

O.k. Back to work . I have to get these Courgettes planted out .

Suddenly I am surrounded with a family of Robins . 

Mother Earth feels warm in my hands as I put in my young plants .

This little chap is becoming quite bold . I have to stop myself from watching the Robin's cute antics and focus on the job at hand .

I quickly get them all in and watered carefully not to get any drops of water on the leaves as the sun is up now and the leaves could easily scorch .

I,ve got a real problem with the hose pipe . It won't fix onto the tap properly and there is water going everywhere .

It's a long walk up to the vegetable garden from the tap back at the cottage .

It's very annoying to walk all the way back up there to find that the hose has fallen off the tap .

Very, very annoying !

So it looks like I will be back to carrying watering cans again . Not happy . Need to sort this problem soon .

So there we are . T'is done and there is still a space for the Sweetcorn ,which will be next .

The Courgettes are happy . I,m happy .  All is peaceful up in the vegetable garden .

Peaceful , happy and well .

                                       Almost !

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