Thursday 13 January 2022

New Dahlias


The Sun is definitely winning so far today ! We collected our very generous Dahlia tubers from Alyson , the nice lady with amazing garden in the village and I got straight to it , potting them all up .

It was so nice to be outside in the warm sunshine with my hands in the good earth again .

This one needed a much bigger pot ! Had to go and have a good rummage in the shed , but eventually found one ,a badly cracked and split down the side one , but I can fix that with a bit of string .

I couldn't find the string , but as I will not be watering these for a few weeks ,it should be o.k. for now if I stand it in an old washing up bowl . 

They will only have the moisture already present in the compost for now . I want to keep them dormant , but there is just that tiny bit of moisture . Anymore than this and if we were to have a freeze ,then they could be in danger of rotting . I'll begin to wake them up , undercover...hmmm...end of March/beginning of April time in my woodshed which has a clear corrugated plastic roof and it is always quite warm in there with all the wood . I like to take cuttings from the first shoots and then I leave them to grow and then aim to plant them outside either in the ground or in large tubs around June depending on how the weather is behaving . 

All ready to be squirreled away to the shed and then  time for a cuppatea !

Now I have to think where I am going to plant them all ! I do have a plan ! Husband has decided he wants the big yellow one some where in this bed in front of the Summerhouse .

Next , we are off for our walk , while the sun is still shining 🌞 what a lovely day ! 

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