Friday 10 January 2020

Marlothistella Full Bloom Happiness !

 It has  been very mild here on the Lizard in the far South West of Cornwall .
                                                Mild and foggy .

                       I,ve been waiting for weeks to see these buds open .
  They just will not open until the sun shines and even then it has to be around mid-day .

 This morning at last , the sun appeared with the promise of a lovely sunny day !

                                                  Today's the day !

 Marlothistella uniondaensis , a little sweetie , all the way from the Little Karoo in South Africa .

           A little bit of a challenge to grow here in the U.K , but worth it !

 Grown from a little cutting my brother Martin gave me . It's doing really well and filling this pot . I don't think I need to re-pot it just yet though , but have to consider it's long tap root .
 It is branching out nicely with it's lovely stumpy caudex , but I,m not trying to show that off particularly...maybe I will when it gets much older and bigger .

                    It is the darling of my greenhouse , my favourite of all !

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