Red sky in the morning -Shephard's warning .
It's forecast to be a typically Autumnal rainy windy weekend , so I thought I must get on and plant out my Garlic .
So the Garlic on the left is the usual size you can buy in our local supermarket ...but I got lucky and found these two whopping great big ones for 30p each !
I usually buy my garlic from garden centres or online - but I just can't afford them this year . Just too expensive for me .
In fact I had decided that I just might not grow garlic at all , but finding these beauties I thought I have nothing to lose .
I picked out fourteen of the very biggest cloves for planting out and there were still plenty of smaller ones for my use in the kitchen .
I pulled on my new wellies (thankyou Jessica ! 😀) and set off to my vegetable garden .
As usual , there is always something that has to be done first ! Pulled back the netting to be greeted with this ! 😱 Get a grip ! Get on with it ! 😱 Just DO IT !
.......apart from this one ....and that might still survive .
Beetroot needs thinning out but not too bad .
Having a lie down !I pulled and pulled the weeds , daisies, field scabious ,scarlet pimpernel , nettles, ragwort , one thistle ,dandelions ,shepherd's purse , buttercups and the nuisance of my greenhouse ,a little yellow oxalis which fires it's seeds like a machine gun at even the slightest touch .
Then I found treasure !
Lots and lots of lovely carrots !
And then on with the Garlic planting .
I got them all tucked into bed . The good earth around them still nice and warm .
Glad to have got that job done ahead of the stormy weather coming .
Then one of my least favourite jobs , especially when I am feeling so tired and my back is aching and I really need a cuppa tea and a couple of chocolate digestives .....covering it all over with the netting again . I am also feeling annoyed that the netting is not very good quality and is beginning to tear in places . I will have to stitch it together another day , too tired right now .
Stay focused and get it done ...get those bricks around the edges to hold it all down , keep the bunnykins out .
Stand back and feel pleased with myself for getting that job done .
Leeks looking great and I noticed something in there ...
A little Tomato plant ! Where did you come from ? I didn't plant you .
I made one last big effort and roughly turned over the old Runner-bean bed , which is now my method of creating compost, as I will throw veg peelings , grass clippings , spent compost from the old tomato, peppers and cucumber plants , seaweed and leaves ,cardboard etc and let the worms process it all for me over the Winter .
The Celery is looking beautiful now .
Time for lunch . Oh ! That's a Giant Echium that had come up in with the carrots . Very pleased to find him , but he needs to be planted somewhere else .
And last but not least ... a diddy red onion . Waste not ,want not !
I have pretty much decided that I'm not doing Autumn Planting Onion sets this year . They have not been very successful for me for a few years in a row .
I am going to grow them from seed this time and am going to try a variety called Globo . They are a nice big onion but not so big that they have lost their flavour . Not time to sow them yet .
Please take care this weekend with the rough weather coming in .
Batten down the hatches ! 🌧️🌧️🌧️
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