Tuesday, 17 September 2024

The Swallows have gone 🍁🍃🍂


     Good morning to you all ! Another heavy dew on the meadow . I have wet toes ! I am still wearing my summer sandals . Need a new pair of wellies .

The "African Key Hole Bed "  -   in which I mainly grow our Butternut Squash , but in which I also planted about twelve Sweetcorn , peas , courgettes and all my left over leeks .

The Sweetcorn was wonderful . My husband was so happy and a sight to see him munching into his cob with melted butter oozing down his chin ! 

But they were giants ! I think they took all the goodness out of the earth and the Butternuts this year are tiny . I have picked apples bigger than this sorry lot !

The Leeks too are looking really good....better than the ones in the main vegetable garden , with a nicer flavour and more reliable for me than onions .

Look at those pathetic Butternuts !  I am so disappointed  😞....sigh ... 

If you are growing Squash , they still have until the end of October to get bigger . Mine will not get any bigger because the main plants have withered .

We will still use them though .

With the cost of living crisis , I just tried my best to grow as much as I could and crammed in too much.

A lesson learned and we shall do it better next year .

                   The last courgette !  Courgette "Green Bush" did well  this year . 

      Time for me to climb in and clear out this bed .

So the weather - it's forecast to get warmer again for a couple of days and this photo shows what happens here when they say this . 

It is very beautiful though and we enjoy our walks along the cliffs .

But the sun has just come out as I write . I can see blue sky again . . . the Swallows have gone .



  1. The summer season is over, and we have to enjoy the sunny days when they arrive, here it's clear but cold.

    1. Yes the sun is going down so much earlier now . We drove down to Penzance today and saw a few Swallows down there , but I think most of them have left . 🌤️🍂🍃🍁

  2. Our corn grew tall thia year too,
