Monday, 12 August 2024

Thunbergia alata ๐ŸŒฟBlack-eyed Suzie ๐ŸŒฟAugust update


So at last ,the Black-eyed Suzies are beginning to climb . 

Also beginning to flower !

Mum's favourite !  

Behind them is my bed of dinnerplate Dahlias , full of buds . I can't wait to see these again .

Rose cutting update - It has two buds on it . I should probably pull those off , but I can't bring myself to do it . 
I'll let them open , to say hello , then cut them to go in a tiny vase .
I will re-pot this about late Autumn .

Not much time for my embroidery , with visitors and I am kept very busy harvesting , chopping , blanching, slicing , bagging up and getting our home grown vegetables into the freezer .

The Runner-beans took quite a battering by the wind the other night . I'm glad I got these in the day before that . Hopefully they will recover , there are still lots of flowers on them .

Lots of lovely Sugar-snap Peas and more coming .

 You don't see these in the shops ! Well I never have anyway .

Sweetcorn is towering high in the African Keyhole Bed .The cobs are fattening up but not ready yet .

The courgettes are still coming ,we love 'em and the Squash are deep down in there somewhere too . Leeks and Egyptian Walking Onions .....and the bindweed !

My visitors have been gathering blackberries from the hedgerow and these too I have open-frozen and bagged up apart from one lot which my husband surprised us with a delicious crumble and cream .

Purple Sprouting Broccoli for the food gap . Look quite pathetic and a slug has already eaten one .....I have a few spares !     ๐ŸŒ 

    Next to them are Beetroot which I need to thin out with scissors.....and our two carrots . Then is a line of Pak Choi which have bolted already  and the same with the Giant leafed spinach , although I might be able to save some of those hopefully . I think it has been too hot for them .

I have some more seeds ordered . I definitely want to have a supply of lettuce over winter .

And so my lovelies , I must say goodbye and continue to chop beans . 

Through the kitchen window I have a little friend to amuse me on the feeding station .

                Cheeky little thing . Brings me so much joy ๐Ÿฟ️๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’›

๐ŸŒฟWeather -uncomfortably warm - drifting sea mist ☁️☁️☁️๐ŸŒค️☁️☁️could do with a nice little thunderstorm to clear the air .๐ŸŒฟ


  1. Your garden as always looks great and so much to harvest, I do envy your space.

    1. Hello Poppy ๐Ÿ’ , I'm always feeling happy when the tomatoes start ripening up ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ

  2. What a wonderful garden you have producing lots of healthy food. Enjoy your day.

    1. Good morning Bill ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Thankyou is my happy place ! Hope the sun is shining for you today ☀️ Debbie x๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ
