Monday, 10 June 2024

🎼🎢 Run rabbit ! Run Rabbit ! Run ! Run ! Run ! πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸ°πŸ‡

 Some of my tubs and pots lined up ready for some attention . I really need to get those Irises in the ground , but we can't agree on where they should go and so in their pots they shall remain .

I need to replace the Carnivorous plant that didn't make it through the winter , it was in the middle , the star of the show and I'm gutted to have lost it . . . I have put it to one side and am still hoping it might put up a shoot for me , but sigh ...anyway , I have lots of other little sweeties in here ....Irish Moss ...artimesia ...sempervivums ...saxifragas . 

I need to refresh the compost and get some nice horticultural grit to set them all off .

There is one of my rose cuttings for you !  Lol , Sue was asking what method I used to take rose cuttings and in all honesty  I don't have a "method" as such ....but more of a "way" . In the rainy old Autumn , I just take a non-flowering shoot , pull off the lower leaves and just stick it into any one of my tubs or pots outside and forget about them over Winter . And in good old Blue Peter fashion " Here's one I did earlier !"   

I always forget where I got the cuttings from !  

How do you "do" your Rose cuttings ? I'd be interested to know .

Anyway .... this morning we have another problem .....

Someone squeezed their way under the chicken-wire ......

.......and nibbled the tops off every single one of my leeks !

 ....... also nibbled my really special dinner-plate Dahlias !

                                               .....................was it you ? !

                                      ...........shame on you !

I have now done a better job of fastening down the chicken-wire around the leeks and I think they should be o.k . I also managed to find another piece of chicken-wire to put around the Dahlias ....I just need some more short canes to fasten it down with .  The rabbits tend to leave alone , the taller and more mature Dahlias . 
 I had wanted to have a more restful stress free day today .

On a happier note , the Sweet peas that I sowed at the end of November are looking great and the perfume is beautiful . 

                           The variety is "Erewhon"  . 

                              The Cucumbers are coming !

     I spied an Epiphyllum bud in amongst the jungle of tomatoes and cucumber vines !

                           Sweet Peppers are on their way !

Veltheimia bracteata is going into it's dormancy . I took the seed pods off it and sowed them in with that baby Agave behind it .

There were about six seeds altogether , I'm going to put some horticultural grit over the top of this pot and they should germinate fairly quickly .

And as Veltheimia bracteata is nodding off , so my Bowiea volubilis is waking up ! So now I will have to think about making some sort of a trellis for it to scrabble upon .

The courgettes are coming ! I'm thinking cheesy courgette layer bake for lunch ! 

               It's all  Go ! Go ! Go ! now in the garden !

                                  Have a great week everyone !  🌀️


1 comment:

  1. We don't have any rabbits here, but the pigeons are a pain. Both my tomato and cucumber plants are well behind, no chance of a harvest yet.
