Saturday, 6 April 2024

Metal Detecting Me !

 So I had an idea and got out the metal detector . It hasn't been used for a very long time and I am actually a bit worried that the batteries may be corroding inside it . 

I thought I'd just check it out , see if it still works ! 

So I swooped it up and down in the same place as I found the mud fairy ....and ..well I'm blowed made a beep !

Went and got my spade .......

Well I'm blowed !  A very pretty garden fork !  Looks quite old  , what d'you think ? 


The second sweep made a very loud noise , but it was just my spade .....and then the batteries definitely ran out ....  



  1. So that's where you put it.

  2. We need to know more about wee little mud man! πŸ™‚
