Monday, 11 March 2024

Cactus re-potting 🌡

 Today I took my dreaming Buddha from his temporary home in the porch and carried him up to his place in the new greenhouse .

Instantly the atmosphere became peaceful , warm and comforting  . 

                   I love this place so much πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š️

So time to make a start bringing the plants back into the new greenhouse .

First to bring in the  biggest and most dangerous of my Cacti . These , for safety reasons , have go into the furthest corner of the greenhouse .

These haven't been re-potted for at least fifteen years . Now would be a good time to do it . 

I had to cut the plastic pots apart from these pot bound beasts !  

    Thankfully cactus roots don't have spines ! It would be impossible if they did !

  I managed to drop it into it's next size up pot and lashed it to a couple of canes .

                 This , the biggest , fiercest and oldest Opuntia was a bit more difficult .
I had to cut the pot and find a heavier pot that would not fall over with the weight of the Opuntia . It had grown out sideways ,meanwhile another Opuntia that was in another pot next to it had leant over and taken root in with it . It was the strong roothold from the invading smaller Opuntia that was keeping the big Opuntia from falling over . Are you still with me ?

 So I found this beautiful , really heavy terracotta pot and it was all going so well ......

                          ............ only it didn't fit !

So I ended up bunging it into a horrible ugly big plastic tub and it served it right for slapping me across my cheek in the process . I'm o.k. miraculously no spines got me . 
 So here they all are after hauling them into their corner at the back of the greenhouse . 
Everybody happy and peaceful again !
They all got some fresh compost and when the roots have had some time to settle  I'll water them with some good rain water .......that's when the water-butt is fixed up again . 

                                                 Happy and peaceful  .
  🌡   That is all I can handle today . 
Tomorrow I'l begin bringing in the Epies .  🌿🌿🌿


I sow the seeds of faith . The good actions that I perform are the rain that waters the seeds . Buddha 🌿


  1. I use an old pair of kitchen tongs with my nasties, can't wait to see it all done and tidy.

    1. Lol ! Poppy ! I doubt it will ever be tidy ! 🌿🌡 Good tip though about the kitchen tongs . 🌡🌡🌡They are useful for the small cacti and I have often seen them using them at British Cactus Society shows . 🌡🌿

  2. You desrve danger money.
