Friday, 21 August 2020
Tomato and Courgette Bumper Harvest !
First thing this morning I dashed up to the shed and my rickety old greenhouse to check they hadn't been blown away . All is well , but with the wind still raging I left the windows shut today .
In the solar shed , Beni greeted me " Please pick these tomatoes before anymore of them fall on my head !"
I filled my bowl with them and a good lot of courgettes too .
Plenty of Onions and Apples , potatoes, lettuces and the carrots are coming along well too out in the vegetable garden .
We have had a good harvest this year ! Thankful !
Actually , not such a good bean harvest for some unknown reason ....never mind , try again next year :)
Over in the greenhouse there is no room to turn around , only just enough space for me to squeeze in and open the windows , I only opened one side window very slightly as it was already surprisingly hot in there . No room for you ! lol !
A strange mix of plants to be found in there at the moment . Cacti that like it hot on one side , Rain Forest shade loving Epiphyllums on the other side and Tomatoes and Chilli plants down the middle .
I watered everything with lovely fresh rain water from the water-but , it smells lovely !
I forgot to take pictures from the inside , so here is a picture looking in from the outside . You can see the spiky plants along the window and the Tomato plants which are on the floor along the middle .
Show you more tomorrow !
Our tomatoes are only just getting going but we have plenty courgettes. I left a bucketful on our neighbours front doorstep and so far they haven’t thrown any back.