Sunday, 3 May 2020
Everything is coming up and looking lush !
Bowiea volubilis .....going up !
Peas coming up !
Runner-beans are up and are now being hardened off .
It,s all looking pretty lush in the potting shed .
We have planted out some of the salad leaves into the veg trug and some I,m growing on in here , while they are looking happy .
I,m going to start harvesting all these lovely leaves .
Lettuce , Coriander and Dill .
Sow more !
Praise the Lord ! We,ve had some rain to re-fill the water butt . Fresh rainwater for my garden and for visiting wildlife to drink .
The Ravens love to bathe and have a good old splash-about in the purple pool .
My back prefers me to be a no-dig gardener but Oh ! my goodness , there were weeds here that could only be got out by digging with my big fork .
I had some seriously big weeds here ! I am preparing this bed for Brassicas .
The trouble with digging is that it causes more weed seeds that are in the soil to germinate .
After the weeding session I laid down some cardboard to help stop any more weeds from coming up .
Today I am going to pull the hoops and environmesh out of the shed , to keep Percy Pigeon off my Purple Sprouting Broccoli , Cabbages , Sprouts and Kale .
Environmesh , old net curtains , ballet tutu fabric to keep the butterflies and greenflies, and black flies off .
Also make cardboard cabbage collars and sort out pots for slug-pubs .
Also double check the chicken wire fence all around to keep the Bunnykins out .
Brassicas are so quick and easy to grow , but so quickly and easily enjoyed by all manner of wildlife ! Protect ! Protect ! Protect !
Now then ....have I forgotten anything ?
No rain here. I need to sow some coriander. I usually shear and freeze it as it seems to go to seed quickly. No runner beans down here yet/