Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Spuds 2
The second bag of Charlotte potatoes arrived and after chitting them I really needed to crack on and make another bed for them .
I have added a couple of potatoes from my basket in the kitchen that were begining to sprout too , just as an experiment .
I have been growing some extra Tomato plants with a view to sharing out to neighbours if they would like them .
I am growing Gardener's Delight , Medwyn's Red Dragon , some seeds that I saved from last year labelled "large toms" and a few seeds taken from a lovely Tomato that I had with my salad a few days ago , which have amazed me , coming up already !
Anyway ....I pricked out and potted on the pot of Tomato seedlings you see above , into the green modules see below .
They will soon grow and need to be potted on again before I give them away .
The only issue that I have with this , is that I am running low on compost .
The garden centres have all closed and I was only able to buy one bag .
I will need that precious compost to start off my courgettes , butternuts and beans .
A friend reminded me about the nice compost under my own compost heap , which I will have a look at tomorrow .
So I made from scratch two new potato beds , and then was too exhausted and back aching to finish the job of planting the potatoes . Groan !
But pleased I had at least made the bed .
I much prefer no dig gardening or preparing a new bed by doing the lasagne method over Autumn /Winter .
I just wanted to grow some extra potatoes for the family during these difficult times and was just not prepared for it.....which of course none of us were !
So I put everything away , came in and flopped !
This lovely morning I had laundry to do again . Blessed to have more lovely sunshine and a breeze to get everything dry .
Anne's Pasties Delivery arrived ! Just what I needed to restore my aching muscles to full strength again . Oh ! The smell of them cooking in the oven ! So good !
So after my Pasty and a nice cuppa tea , I pulled on my wellies and got straight out there ......
.....and dug three trenches for three rows of spuds !
Done !
Tomorrow I will be putting up the Runner-bean frame . I think there is more rain forecast , which will make it easier to push the poles into the earth .
Healing love and peace to you !
And to think, I cut the grass and thought; good job, pat on back.