Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Planting out my Mint cuttings .
It's beginning to look a lot like Autumn !
It certainly been very gloomy and drizzly here ...the odd torrential shower , even the odd rumble of thunder ! I have pulled out my thermal vest to wear and my dressing gown ....and last night I filled my old stone hot water bottle for the first time this Autumn ...and a little rug was laid on the cold bathroom floor to keep my toes warm .
However , I do love this time of the year and it is a good time to rearrange and plant new things into the garden so they can get their roots down and settle into the still warm earth before Winter .
I have had lots of cuttings of various herbs rooting away in glass jars on my kitchen windowsill .
Lots of different Mint varieties. Peppermint for my tea , Pineapple mint , Applemint, Chocolate mint , Gingermint , Pennyroyal , Bowles mint and I could never have enough Spearmint to go with my boiled and buttered new potatoes or mixed into a sumptuous salad . They all smell so good too !
I want more of it ! It roots so easily , even this tiny piece is beginning to put out roots . A few weeks ago I potted some of my rooted cuttings up and now they are ready to plant out .
I weeded this area in front of the cottage , my hands are still stinging from the Stinging Nettles ! I hope I got all of them out , they have such long strings of yellow roots riddling through the earth , but I did the best I could .
It is the perfect weather for doing this job today ....and this area is quite damp , pretty much most of the time , which all of the mint family love .
Here's the Chocolate Mint that I bought from the Trerice Manor House plant stall the other day . The sales assistant let me have it slightly cheaper as it looked a bit sorry for itself .
I planted all my rooted cuttings out , but then decided to just re-pot the Chocolate Mint to bring it on a bit more .
When I tipped it out of the pot , I could see that it was quite root-bound too .
So now it has a slightly larger pot and I,ll probably divide it up next Spring .
The next job I had to do was pull this huge cloche out of the shed , repair it as best as I could , fix up the fence and cover the Agave from all this torrential rain .
I put a couple of branches over the top to hold the cloche down and stop it from blowing away .
I don't want it to get too wet and then for the weather to suddenly turn very cold or freeze . Agaves can take being cold but cant take being cold and wet .
I will pull this off when it stops raining , the fence makes it easier to just drop the cloche into .
If ever we are issued with a severe gale warning , then I put rocks on the edges of the cloche to hold it down too , but the branches do a great job done like this .
So that's my lot for today in the garden , and my husband has been chopping logs to go into the wood-store excellent job done today !
So , it's Autumn again , I do love Autumn so much !
Time to clean up , have a bite to eat , put my feet up and do some more of my Autumn embroidery .
Autumn blessings and joy to you !
Autumn blessings to you too..Daisy Debs. Love mints...just bought an apple mint earlier today, smells delicious.