Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Poppies and Cosmos
Very very hot today , but I managed to do a bit in the veg garden this morning . I got up at 4.30 am ,opened up the greenhouse windows , wearily hauled watering cans around , pulled weeds , planted out the last of the Runner Beans and stood mesmerised by the beauty of it all .
Two years ago my church friends ( St Michael's Church Mullion ) Derrick and Moira gave me an envelope full of Poppy seeds from her garden before she moved away .
We do miss you Moira !
I scattered them everywhere, I love Poppies !
Well , they didn't come up , not a single one , until this year !
Just so lovely, hopefully I will never be without them now !
I always leave a few leeks to flower for the bees and try to save their seeds for next year .
The veg beds are full of foxgloves white and pink , the strange leek buds and Poppies .
When the sun comes up the bees will be dancing around them.
I very soon had to go in , happy that I,d done a little bit in the veg garden .
The Gete okosomin Squash is still doing ok and spent the night outside to acclimatise .
I dont know how much the roots have grown and if they are established enough to be planted out yet .I think I,ll wait untill the weather breaks and we get some rain .
It is SO hot now ,as I,m writing this . We have all come in to get away from the heat .
We will walk the dog later on when it cools down a little .
Birdie is busy feeding her young , but is still coming for her grapes...nice and cool from the fridge .
Remember I said that I,d pinched out my Cosmos seedlings ?
Well I had put the tops into a vase of water , rather absent mindedly actually .
.....but look !.......... roots ! :)
So if you haven't pinched yours out yet , you might like to do this and get some more Cosmos plants for free !
Thanks for that tip. I have a very lovely red Cosmos which I would like to save for another year, so will try that.