Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Planting onion and garlic sets today .
I am always thrilled to see the woodpecker and I managed to quietly sneak out of the kitchen ,into the garden to take a couple of pictures of him . However .... I am not so happy that he has taken a real liking for pecking away at the trunk of this lovely red cordyline australis !
Today I am on a mission to plant out the remaining bags of onions and garlic sets , the ground has been rock solid and impossible to dig ,this month has been so very dry .At last ,today , we have rain . Also need to get my baby cabbages in , a bit late due to not having any slug pellets . This is a quite a task as I have to put up chicken wire and sew on mesh over the top to protect the plants from the two beautiful ,but always hungry , collared doves who live here .
I spent a couple of hours sewing windbreak mesh on to the fence surrounding the veg garden the other day . It is well worth taking some time and effort to do a proper job of this ...and apart from the shelter it also helps keep the rabbits out . I wish it was was dark brown instead of green . Dark brown would blend in better . They dont make it in brown ! Humph ! I will be sorting through the pile of garden fleece and old blankets that I use through severe weather to cover plants and maybe have a small bonfire ! Yipee ! Then , time for a cup of tea and a piece of cake !
Interesting post!