Thursday, 25 April 2024



                              I got the Cucumbers into their final pot/bags . 

While doing this I twisted my back awkwardly and am now in quite a lot of pain  . I think that I will have to take a little break from jobs in the garden for a little while , until it eases .

I carried out a huge load of washing in the laundry basket , hung it all out , then had to bring it all in again as it began to spit with rain .

 Then I carried it all upstairs to go on the clothes airer in the bathroom .

I also still have a very painful sore throat . It is not fair ! I have so much to do right now ! 

I think rain is forecast again tomorrow , not that rain or sore throats ever stopped me , but when my back hurts well , that is another matter and I think tomorrow will have to be a resting up day .

I made colcannon today for lunch ,. This is a lovely Irish version of mashed potatoes that has shredded cabbage and spring onions mashed in with loads of butter and milk , sausages and peas . I made enough to have it again tomorrow . Delicious , heart warming comfort food for a cold rainy day .

Maybe I'll sow the Runner beans .... I think I could manage to do that tomorrow .  I will sow the French beans next week , followed by sweetcorn . 

 Then try and rest up over the weekend  .

Meanwhile , my clever husband finally got bonfire number one going and cleared the lot !

So now I can really get this part of the garden looking nice and I have plans !

                           I hope the weather is beginning to warm up for you .


Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Butternut Squash Babies Potted Up


Look how they've grown ! I am going to pot them up now .  I could have put them one seed into each 3or 4" pot but this way I can get more of  them all onto the propagator . 

 You can sow them direct outside when the weather warms up , but I have more success doing mine this way .

It's amazing how in just three days they have germinated and made so many roots already .

Abracadabra ...... and they're done and now residing in the warmth of the greenhouse  , just until they've settled in . 

I won't be planting these out for quite some time yet , maybe the middle of May or so for us down here in the far south west of Cornwall .  Keeping a close eye on what the weather might be doing then though .

If you live further up country , you'd probably best wait until the end of May  .


It's a bit cloudy today and I'd be grateful for a passing shower or two to water in the onions sets, spring onions ,that I planted and the carrot and parsnip seeds that I sowed yesterday .

 The rain ceased as soon as our new guttering and water-butts were fitted up on the greenhouse and I'm back to carrying watering cans from the cottage all the way up to the vegetable garden . 

I have no idea where my husband  has hidden the hosepipe ....grrrrrr   I tried wheeling the cans up in the wheel barrow but it sloshes all over the place as I push it uphill . I will have to buy another two hoses.....I  have to connect two together to reach all the way up to the vegetable garden .

Everything I do in the garden right now is so hard on my back .

 Time for a flop and some hand cream .

Tomorrow's job is to pot up the Cucumbers Femspot and Beth Alpha  .  

How's it all going with you ?


Another Garden Update - Galloping fast towards May !

 I like to keep a record of what I do in the garden . I find it helpful to look back on , remind myself of the successes and the failures .

I wasn't going to grow onions this year , preferring to grow leeks and the leeks are still being brought on up in the shed . But then I found some at a sensible price and couldn't resist . I started them off in modules and yesterday planted them all out . 

I also planted out my Spring Onions which I had sown in little clumps of six or seven or so  .

I sowed a whole packet of carrot and parsnip seeds and watered everything .

This end of the bed is covered over with the cardboard that I took off the African Keyhole bed . This will just keep the weeds from getting away until I plant it up with the next thing  , probably Courgettes or Squash of some kind .

Next I had to sort out the bed behind , get it covered over until I'm ready to plant  .

No matter what I plan to do , there is always something that has to be done first ! Always !!

So first I had to dig out two large clumps of Asparagus ....which my husband has declared that they are his . 

Gawd ! Years ago I had made a bed here just for the Asparagus . You have to leave it for a year or so before harvesting it , to let it  , you know like ....... GROW !     A bit like Rhubarb , you mustn't harvest it all or it will die . 

Yep he just would not leave it alone and slowly it began to fizzle away . Except for these two clumps . 

So I dug 'em up and have replanted them in with the Rhubarb and the perennial kale . All the perennial things together  !

Then I was free to cover this bed over with weed membrane held down with a panel of fence , to ensure it wont blow away in the next gale . 

Not sure what will be going in this bed just yet . Maybe the Cavolo Nero Kale  πŸ€” hmmm .

In the background is the falling downy grape vine arch ,which I am hoping to  shorten , fix and re-use and two broken chairs which need to go to the tip or be chopped up for fire wood .

I uncovered the other Agave and at last feel that I am on the way to restoring the garden after such a miserable rainy old Winter .

And as I look around to the right , I notice another little job of cutting back the bush behind the garden seat . It will have to be done very carefully now and make sure there is no one nesting in there first .

And to the far right ...sigh the bonfire heap , which has been too wet to burn for two years now !

I want to plant out the remaining three of my Ginkgo biloba saplings in this area . Hopefully we can get it burnt and cleared this week sometime .

The Ginkgo bilobas are already putting out their new leaves , I may have to settle for repotting them again this year and  plant them out next Winter .

The one I did manage to plant out is doing well and the rabbits seem to be leaving it alone too .

The buddleia   is making it's way up through the weeds ..which are Nettles , pretty Pink Campion   shortly to be joined with the bindweed ....which I will need to do something about . 

I'm cross about finding a broken branch on the beautiful Black leaved Elderberry sapling . I can't wait to see this in flower. It has gorgeous sprays of pink flowers .

The newly planted Griselinia bushes are doing well and will eventually make a nice thick hedge . 

I am going to make a pathway through my mini woodland so I can get in to cut this hedge from time to time and keep it bushy from the base up . The old bushes that were here when we first came to live here , were almost twenty feet high and getting leggy at the base and the wind was blasting through from the North and the East .The old bushes were cut drastically down last year , but are beginning to bush out again from the bottom .It will eventually become a nice thick hedge and my mini forest will be a great sanctuary for wildlife .

The hedge along our meadow however is only planted with native species .

Up in the shed , the lettuces are coming along nicely .

 Leeks need to get fatter ! 

Kale needs thinning out ....but I love it and can't get enough of it !

In between garden operations I have been going in for cups of tea and doing family history on the computer and discovering some amazing things , which have quite blown me away , such as one Great Great Grandfather who I found died in Afghanistan ! Still doing research in this but it seems he died fighting at the Battle of Maiwand  1880 He was Royal Horse Guards Artillery .... I had never heard of this and reading about it has just taken my breath away .....and his son also it turns out was a soldier based out in India and his wife worked as a house-keeper for the Dickens family in Landport ! 

Then I jumped up onto the bank and dug a big hole . Dragged the now massive Banana Musa Ensete over from the woodshed ( all the while thinking about my ancestor riding with six horses and pulling Artillery guns ) 

It looks terrible , but will soon pick up and put out it's lovely new red leaves .

Today's mission is to prick out and pot on all these Butternut Squash babies !

 Been sorting out some new watercolour paints  , this is the Rosa Gallery Botanical set plus a couple of other pans and tubes that I selected separately . 

I love painting flowers (and mouse pictures 🐭)  but I might try my hand at landscapes .

I still need to finish off my embroidery , but my hands are feeling sore from gardening and it catches on the silk thread . I need to have a really good hand pampering session ! 

Right I'm off to sort out those Butternut Squash babies and water the things I planted out yesterday .

    Sorry this has been a long waffling one !   Cheerio fer now !    x

Saturday, 20 April 2024

Tomato plants final potting up 🌿☀️


We are having a glorious sunny day ...look at that blue sky ! 

                  Pear and Apple blossom ....happy honey bees  πŸπŸπŸ

Camelias , Azaleas ...yellow daisy bush thing (Euryops ? ) Acers all in full leaf . Rabbits hopping about ......everything seems to flower at once in this part of Cornwall . It is such a wonderful time !

There is something stirring in the propagator ...... and those were the past their date Butternut Squash seeds . I have only just sown the fresh packet . They usually take six to ten days to germinate .

These are Butternut Hunter . They usually give us a good harvest around October time and store well over Winter .

I will prick these out either later today or maybe tomorrow . Yes I whip'em out and pot them up into 3" or 4" pots straight away and bring them on for a bit in the shed .

Hastily throw together cauliflower cheese . Very happy to find two small cauliflowers for 20p each at the supermarket .We'll get two meals out of them .

Ooh and they did smell good with golden brown cheese bubbling away in the oven !

Then off up to the greenhouse to water everything .This thing is fantastic for watering seed pans ! 

So I always think of Steve whenever I'm using this pressure sprayer πŸ•Š️

Recommended by Steve of Green Side Up YouTube channel  . Goodness how we miss him . Sadly passed away last year ..or was it the year before ?  He really knew his stuff  and I always checked in with him before sowing or planting anything in my vegetable garden . His wonderful videos are still up and running and well worth taking a look , especially if you are new to vegetable growing . πŸ•Š️

I was very pleased to find that I have already sown my Courgette seeds . They shouldn't take long to come up .

Then I got a first lot of tomatoes into their final pot/bags under the greenhouse bench . 

The bags are only filled to about a third of the way up and as the Tomato plants grow , I unroll the bags and keep refilling with more fresh compost and they put out fresh roots from their stems and make stronger plants . 

I am envious of people who can just plant straight into the ground ....but this works for me .

And now they will grow up through the greenhouse bench and I will tie up strings to wind them around gently as they grow up to the rafters . 

So that's the first lot done . Cucumbers are also romping away now and I will do them the same way .

That's all for now . I am off to uncover the Agaves and Sweet Peas , then to have a flop in the summerhouse  and do a bit o' stitching .....not sure yet ...embroidery ...patchwork ...vintage dolly stuff .

         ☀️    zzzzzzzzzzzzz   πŸπŸπŸπŸ˜ŠπŸŒΏπŸ©·

Just sitting and waiting for the Sun .....


                         It's going to be a beautiful day !

Mumma Song Thrush Update


                      Shhhhh..........ever so quietly ....take a peek ........


Friday, 19 April 2024

Thinking about Butternuts !



                                                                 Sigh .......

                          Been thinking about it all night . Time to get on with it !

I have sown my Butternut seeds . They are on my bedroom windowsill .Just waiting for them to germinate . 

After all the months of rain , the ground is nice and soft and fairly easy to prize out the weeds and clumps of grass right now .

I did try to cover it over with cardboard to keep the weeds down , but the bindweed and nettle roots  just go crazy running their long spaghetti roots under it all . 

So my back is aching just a bit from bending down and scrabbling about in the earth to grab and chase them along as far as I can to get them out . Trying not to break or leave any broken roots behind that will carry on growing . 

When the bonfire heap has dried out , we will burn this lot  . Oh no not the cardboard . I will put that down again until I come to plant out my Butternuts . 

I am growing Butternut Hunter this year . Also found several packets of different Squash varieties , way past their date ,but thought I'd have nothing to lose . If they grow, then I'll squeeze them in hither and thither ....but not in this bed . This is just for the Butternuts .....oh ...and that clump of perennial Egyptian Walking Onions  .

                                                Egyptian Walking  Onions

        I got that done all before 10.30am . Feeling very pleased with myself ! 


                                      (if a just little bit aching )