Wednesday, 25 May 2016
The New Kettle
A nice looking kettle yes...but..we,ve been putting up with the small matter of it leaking water all over the electric base for some time now . Never had a kettle that leaks before .
I never fill it more than for two or three cups , so why is it leaking ?
Blooming nuisance !
We just kept forgetting to buy a new one when we were out shopping and we,ve been putting up with this for months ! Anyway we finally chose this even nicer looking one . The lid flips up to refill and is lovely and wide . A comfortable handle on the side so you dont scald your hand anymore . There is something nice about seeing the crystal clear water inside .....
......and when you switch it on ........and this bit was a surprise to us .....
It all lights up with little blue lights and makes you feel happy even before you get to drink your tea !
I,m feeling a bit happier today and tonight I,m going to dance class .
Monday, 23 May 2016
The Sun Dial Bed
This is my next thing to do ...The Sun Dial Bed .
This is a very special place where my old best friend now rests , a few years now .
My beautiful Collie Dog Megs . I think of her much when I tend this bed . The torrential rain has caused the sundial to slip ... I will have to step in there and straighten it ...I dont want to step where she is . I miss her so much .
I used to clip the edge of this bed neatly..but the ferns are so beautiful that now I let them grow , especially lovely as the new fronds unfurl .
I walked many miles with her in these very boots , which I have placed where she lies .
Its been a difficult weekend , thanks to one rude , thoughtless and unkind person's gossiping tongue....especially when I came to help .
Feeling very sad and hurt .
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Cacti Flowers and a Cornish Window Box
I,ve been meaning to show you my Schlumbergera opuntioides's been flowering since last November . This was the tiny little cutting , that a very kind and generous gentleman sent me from the British Cactus and Succulent Society . It is quite a rare cactus and said to be difficult to grow on it's own roots . Anyway I,m delighted at how mine has grown and begun to flower so soon ! It is gorgeous ! I,m thinking about maybe taking some cuttings from it , to make it bush out ? Advice anyone ?
The big boys behind were all teeny little thumb sized cactus that I bought from Mr Pilbeam at Connoisseur Cacti over twenty years ago ....oh ! ... here's his link for you ! : )
A close up of that pretty flower .
Through the window , I can see the Blue Tits are very busy feeding their young in the bird house .
So back to work and I really have to tackle the window box . I,ve tipped it out at the bottom of the bank, where I will sort out the tangled mess of bulbs and pansies , replant or pot them up .
The old coconut fibre still looks O.K to me and also the (horrible ) black plastic liner , so I will use it again .
Off up to the greenhouse . The rope is there at the bottom of the slope to remind me to slow down , as it can be deadly slippery just here . I slipped down an ancient flight of serpentine steps leading from a very high Cornish hedge a few years ago , and broke my arm ....I actually heard it crack still haunts me !
To the left is my Herb Garden ..yes I know it needs weeding ...thankyou ! : )
Aaah ! nice and warm in the greenhouse ..smells good too ! Propagation for the nation !
Well maybe not for the nation , but just enough for my family and a a few to give to friends ....the vegetables that is .
Basil took forever to come up ....I,ve never been that succesful with Basil , it usually ends up getting greenfly and then gets thrown out , but these are looking good so far. Also courgettes, butternuts, squashes, leeks , more leeks .. The Marmande Tomatoes you sent me ,are all up and ready for their big pots now . Husband is growing cherry toms in his shed .
It is all too easy to get side tracked up here in the greenhouse ...I mostly grow cacti and succulents ,all these other things have to be squeezed in somehow !
I find myself looking around and things need watering , or things need tying up , or some rare thing has a bud on it ......
.......and then something else has a flower the size of a dinner plate on it ..that I hadn,t noticed the day before .... and then there's a beautiful fragrance .....
....and I find myself lost in its beauty !
Anyway ! So I get together an assortment of plants , for a different sort of a window box .
Including this one from the kitchen windowsill .
It is a Kalanchoe tubiflora , also known as Mother of Thousands or the Maternity Plant because it produces babies on the ends of it reptilian tubular leaves . It is surprisingly tough , I have often grown these outside here in South West Cornwall .
It produces so many babies , that there are always plenty of plants to replace any that might be lost .
I have used Aloe greatheadii , Agave Americana varigata , Aeoniums , mesembryanthemum , a bright yellow sedum , pelargoniums saved from two years ago, some other things that I cant remember the names of and erynguim karvinskianus to fill in the gaps and soften the look of it all .
So here it is almost finished Cornish Window Box..I just need some more sharp grit to keep the snails off a little bit of rain and then lots of sunshine and we're done !
St Just in Roseland
After all the work in the garden I had been excited to get away for a picnic and an adventure with my good friend and her two little dogs .
So yesterday was the day ! And here we are at St Just in Roseland Church .
It is said that Joseph of Arimathea came with the Child Jesus and landed his ship here has become a place of Christian pilgrimage .
The church is open and has a very welcoming feel to it .
I love this stained glass window of St Anthony , Our Lord Jesus and St Francis all feeding the birds !
I have a soft spot for St Francis .
The old baptismal font .....
.... and a very much earlier font along side .
I loved the introduction of these little things , which are keeping people spiritually and prayerfully interactive whilst walking around the church .
We were invited to take a hand woven Cross from the basket .To who ever made them I just want to say " Thankyou ! : ) " and that I love mine and am going to take this idea away with me maybe introduce to our little St Michael's Church in Mullion .
I,ve already been looking up how to weave this " Ojo de Dias Cross " and am sorting through my embroidery thread hoard . I will also need some nice straight branches from the garden .
Back out side, we continued to walk along the river side , enjoying the primroses and bluebells and wondering about Little Lord Jesus , helping his Uncle tying up the boat along here maybe . I managed to jump down and collect some precious earth for both of us , from where those Holy feet may have walked .
Further along we were surprised to find a Holy Well . I put these pictures together as a collage for you to see .
The water is crystal clear and quite deep .
The pathway and simple garden leading up to the well are welcoming , beautifully and I think , most lovingly kept .
The Holy Well of St Just in Roseland .
Lichens on the branches over hanging the river .
I,m glad we got to go and see this lovely place before the primroses and bluebells fade .
The picnic was scrumptious doodley doo !
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
The Planting out begins !
So we're just back from a lovely week away .... but a little worrying since the morning we on which we left , I had young plants only a short time out of the greenhouse , left to harden off ...the weather had suddenly turned very hot . I had to leave all the greenhouse windows open , worried about my veg seedlings and cacti about to flower , but everything is fine . ..and there was also the small matter of my having seen a young deer in the veg garden ,actually on the morning that we left ! No idea where it had come from....never before seen any deer here on the Lizard ....any one know anything about deer around Mullion ? Delightful to see , but I was concerned that it would hurt itself as it scrabbled through one of my fences .
Anyway as you can see I added an extra hazel pole at each end of the bean frame for extra strength . Put on the horrible green plastic netting that I have recycled for the last three years . I take great care to remove all the dead vines and roll it up tying a rag to the ends so that I can unroll it again the next season ,like you do your Christmas fairy lights : )
Last Earth Day I made myself a resolution to become more plastic aware , that is I will recycle what plastic items I still have and then use alternatives .
This year I am growing Firestorm Runnerbeans which are said to be a cross between runnerbeans and french beans .They germinated very quickly , these have been hardened off and I planted out about 8 of them . The courgettes are germinating rather erratically , which is good I suppose ...the largest of these I nestled into the warm earth and spread sharp grit around . Six Swift sweetcorn in blocks of three , I will sow some more direct into the earth now .
On the other side of the frame I have sown direct into the earth Blue Lake climbing beans and a few Prizewinner Runnerbeans . I will still sow some more in the greenhouse, just in case and to get succession of crops .
I have pushed in some spriggy hazel pea sticks for some peas to climb up . The peas are germinating on the kitchen windowsill at the moment...this way the mice dont eat the seed and they dont seem to bother with them once they're up .
I am also trying to not buy so many bamboo canes now , they are shipped in from far away and are expensive . I will use the ones I still have till they are not fit for purpose .
So this means a little bit of hard work cutting my own hazel bushes , which I am lucky to have . I make use of the branches , cutting them so that I can hang up my coat and garden tools close by to where I,m cant do that with bamboo canes !
Bamboo canes get brittle and sharp , you can really hurt yourself on them if you're not careful , I am constantly looking for things to cover the cane tops with , so that no one will poke their eye on them .
I will still use them to thread through the chicken wire surrounding each of the veg beds though , to keep the bunnies out .I just cant get the Hazel sticks to push through the holes in the chicken wire so easily . I would like to not use horrible chicken wire and make woven Hazel hurdle fences around the veg beds ..but I dont have enough hazel to do this .
Oh well , there you go ...but at least I am becoming more thoughtful about all this .
Cheerio for now !
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Trachycarpus fortuneii
The last few days have been quite hot here in Mullion ( I,ve put on my shorts ! ) ....and there is an real urgency to get things done out in the garden , before the ground turns too hard to dig .
We had found this little Trachycarpus fortuneii at a local nursery , at a bargain price a couple of years ago . When we got it home , we couldn't decide where to put it , the ground was rock hard and it was coming into Autumn anyway so it needed to be put into a sheltered place for the time being . So I dug a hole into the soft and warm compost heap , where it has been fairly happy all this time .
So the above picture shows the compost heap , which I used to regularly turn over and was my pride and joy .
Then I got sick and had a big op and couldn't manage do it and the nettles and blooming bindweed has spread through it and actually now the whole area needs some serious restructuring .
The Trachycarpus seems O.K. I think , but needs to be in its final place in the ground now . It has put out babies around its base ....maybe this is a sign of the plant being stresses ...not sure .....
So , out with my trusty garden fork..oh those nettles .....heave ho !..and.... I couldn't photograph this bit.....there was no swearing...but quite a lot of huffing and groaning .
...........into the wheel barrow .
Next to dig a hole ....with my little gardening assistant .
More huffing and puffing .
What do you think Birdie ?
" Hang on ! "she says .
" Wait a minute ! "
"Wait ! "
" O.K ! "
All clear ! Line it up and roll over the wheelbarrow and it should just.....
land beautifully perfectly at the same level it was in the compost heap .
Very happy me ....apart from my legs now being covered in mosquito bites .